
What is the value of analog tools in a digital society?
Personal organizers first landed in Japan in 1985 as a notebook of convenience combining tools such as a schedule, a notebook, a pen case, and a pouch, all into one binder, which also holds a status as an ideal item for businessmen. In 1990, popularity sprung. However, with the spread of digital devices such as smartphones, the need for personal organizers plateaued. As a result, overall industry sales fell. Designphil Inc. famous for developing the brand "Knox Brain" that originally drove the popularity of personal organizers, was also in a situation where a breakthrough plan was needed.
As various business tools are being replaced by digital devices, we questioned whether analog tools such as the personal organizer, have become unnecessary for humans today.

Towards a brand of analog tools that stimulate creativity.
We worked with Designphil's development team on the branding and product design for the new brand, "PLOTTER" — a word representing the "Planner, Organizer, and Imaginer." We redefined the personal organizer, which was always utilized for recording. We made this into the ultimate analog tool, to encourage people to think more creatively of the future. By factorizing the functions of the personal organizer, we designed the memo pad, diary, scale, and whiteboard as an item that can be used alone. PLOTTER has achieved a different purchasing path and user experience from that of traditional system organizers. We have established a new position as "the ultimate analog tool brand to enhance creativity.
At PLOTTER, the typography and materials hold the same atmosphere as the days of the 15th century when typographic printing rose in popularity, triggering mass production. The mid-century era was when analog tools attracted the most people. We authentically conveyed the fundamental attractiveness of analog tools, and have been particular about designs that stimulate the aesthetics of system organizers for stationery lovers.

Reinventing Refills as a Creative Tool
This product can be carried around like a notebook, where pages of a 6-hole note pad or a refill note pad can be used separately as necessary, along with a whiteboard pad that can open up to an A4 size, perfect for meetings. All of these items can be used alone to easily edit information and use the tools, by inserting them into the binder as needed.
We offer a wide range of refills that support users' creativity: meticulously designed diary refills that provide maximum usage within a limited space and accessory refills such as plastic scale sheets with reduced scales, protractors, grids, text sizes, and line-width tables.
他にも、限られたスペースを最大限使えるように緻密に設計したダイアリーリフィルや、縮尺定規、分度器、グリッド、 文字サイズ、線幅表などを表記したスケール下敷をはじめとするアクセサリーリフィルなど、使い手の創造性を掻き立てるさまざまなリフィルを充実させています。

The ultimate simple pen, pursuing the best center-of-gravity balance
For PLOTTER's original ballpoint pens and mechanical pencils, we went back to the origin of the writing instrument, and faced the purpose of the pen to "draw a line exactly as wanted".
The knurling process, which is usually partially applied to the pen, was designed to be a part of the entire pen. Simultaneously, the center of gravity of the pen was placed towards the tip, producing the best grip corresponding to any way when held. Writing with the highest ease was achieved. In addition, the thin clip was designed to not only easily insert into a leather pen holder, but to also bind thick documents together, designed to fit like an accessory when placed in the chest pocket of a suit.

A blank map globe that stimulates creativity
We wanted to build the simplest and the most beautiful globe. We collaborated with an old-established globe manufacturer to make this globe with no stand. It is a white map globe with a built-in weight that makes the globe move like a ball toy. The surface is covered with durable paper that is comfortable to write in, allowing you to write in the places you want to go or your travel journals directly onto the globe.

A mesh pouch with outstanding usability
This mesh pouch allows you to access its contents instantly with an internal flex frame used for portable ashtrays. It also has a double-layer pocket that allows you to easily organize the items you want to show and items you want to conceal. It also comes with a "D" ring that can be pulled out to hang the pouch. We pursued the ultimate usability with this product.

Becoming a global brand of tools that stimulate creativity.
PLOTTER has changed the purchasing experience of personal organizers, making it possible to bring the product out of the conventional personal organizer sales section. This achieved approximately 70% of the annual sales target with pre-order alone. It is now one of the top selling personal organizer brands within Japan. Developing a full range of analog tools that encourage thinking beyond the framework of the personal organizers, we continue to expand our lineup as a brand that stays true to PLOTTER users.
iF Design Award (2020)
Good Design Award (2019)
DFA Design for Asia Awards (MERIT) (2018)
Tokyo, Japan
Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Toshiyuki Nakaie, Andraditya D.R.)
Product Designer (Ballpoint pen and Mechanical pencil)
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Daichi Komatsu) & Designphil Inc.
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Daichi Komatsu) & Designphil Inc.
Kaoru Yamada