
Are we living up to our potential
in modern society?
Now is a time of high uncertainty, with a hard-to-foresee future. Each of us must face our challenges, set goals, creatively take action, and produce innovations.
However, a global survey conducted in 18 countries/regions showed that 52.6% of Japanese respondents responded that they “do nothing” to improve themselves or learn outside of their work. Also, only 49.1% of Japanese overall responded that they “feel happy through their work.” These were both the lowest figures among the countries that were surveyed.
However, a global survey conducted in 18 countries/regions showed that 52.6% of Japanese respondents responded that they “do nothing” to improve themselves or learn outside of their work. Also, only 49.1% of Japanese overall responded that they “feel happy through their work.” These were both the lowest figures among the countries that were surveyed.
In this environment, it is increasingly important for organizations to empower each employee to live up to their potential, promote individual well-being, and exercise leadership so that the company and the organization can grow. Still, more managers now struggle with communicating effectively with employees, unable to fully exercise leadership. What do we need to learn to shape an ideal organization or individuals?
An example and percentage of learning
and self development activities aimed at personal growth.

Rebranding the origin of coaching.

画像:「ヒューマンポテンシャル運動」 において最も重要な役割を果たした「エサレン協会」
The now globally popular coaching culture stems from the Human Potential Movement in the 1960s in the United States. The coaching movement was naturally born in the movement aimed at maximizing human possibilities and living up to natural potential. In 1992, CTI was founded by the movement’s central figures, Laura Whitworth and Henry Kimsey-House. They were the pioneers who promoted the coaching movement in the West and are one of the world’s largest coaching agencies, as well as founding members of the International Coaching Federation.
CTI advocates Co-Active coaching, which is characterized by focusing on coaching-shaped people-to-people relationships as opposed to conventional coaching approaches that focus on the coach's actions. This approach is now the standard in the coaching industry.
The Japanese CTI was the first activity outside of the U.S. and started the coaching culture in Japan. WAKE UP Co., Ltd. was officially licensed by CTI, and for many years, it has provided programs that convey the values of coaching and leadership in Japan as an overseas organization. In addition to Co-Active coaching, it introduced system coaching and 360-degree feedback in Japan for the first time.
NOSIGNER was tasked with rebranding the websites of WAKE UP Co., Ltd. and CTI JAPAN, which have rich histories.
The Japanese CTI was the first activity outside of the U.S. and started the coaching culture in Japan. WAKE UP Co., Ltd. was officially licensed by CTI, and for many years, it has provided programs that convey the values of coaching and leadership in Japan as an overseas organization. In addition to Co-Active coaching, it introduced system coaching and 360-degree feedback in Japan for the first time.
NOSIGNER was tasked with rebranding the websites of WAKE UP Co., Ltd. and CTI JAPAN, which have rich histories.
私たちNOSIGNERは、こうした歴史を持つウエイクアップ社およびCTI JAPANのWebサイトのリブランディングを手がけることになりました。
私たちNOSIGNERは、こうした歴史を持つウエイクアップ社およびCTI JAPANのWebサイトのリブランディングを手がけることになりました。

Branding of CTI Japan
CTI’s philosophy of “Co-Active” (Being + Doing) refers to the concept of “being together…in action.” It conveys CTI’s unique coaching philosophy and method of the coach and client cooperating to create meaningful changes in action through transforming the mindset. The mission of the rebranding was to promote this concept in Japan widely. However, a communication challenge was created after CTI USA changed its name from “Coach Training Institute” to “Co-Active Training Institute,” which made it harder to convey that CTI was the founder of coaching with a history of producing many professional coaches. This challenge also applied to CTI JAPAN, which contributed to the development of the coaching industry in Japan since the early days. Currently, however, many coaches from CTI have started their own competing coach training businesses.
CTI Japanのブランディング
CTIが掲げる「Co-Active」は、Co=「どうあるか(Being)」とActive=「何をするか(Doing)」を表す言葉であり、コーチとクライアントが協力し合うことで、意識の変化から意味のある行動変容を生み出すというCTI独自のコーチングの思想やメソッドを伝えるものです。この思想を日本に広く伝えることがリブランディングのミッションでしたが、米国CTIが「Coach Training Institute」という名称を「Co-Active Training Institute」に変更したことなどによって、CTIがコーチングの元祖であり多くのプロコーチを輩出してきた実績が伝わりにくくなってしまったというコミュニケーション上の課題がありました。それは日本におけるコーチングの黎明期から業界の発展に寄与し、現在では多くのCTI出身者を含めたコーチが、競合となるコーチ育成事業を展開する状況に直面していたCTI JAPANにおいても同様でした。

Therefore, we fully promoted the CTI narrative as the coaching foundation in our website design. We set the main tagline, “The Origin of Coaching” and clearly indicated the foundational nature of the organization by adding the phrase, “The Main Distinguished of Coaching and CTI: Being Together in Action.” NOSIGNER staff, such as Tachikawa, received actual coaching training to execute the design process. We spent many hours unraveling the history of coaching and CTI with CTI JAPAN members and posted the stories we discovered on the website content. We designed an original pattern inspired by the color gradation in the U.S. to make it conform to the branding of CTI USA and promoted this design in various places as key visual communication.
そこでWebサイトのデザインにおいてはコーチングの元祖としてのCTIの文脈を全面に打ち出し、「The Origin of Coaching」をメインコピーに据えるとともに、「コーチングの本流 相手と共に創るCTI」という言葉を添えて組織の源流性を明示しました。デザインのプロセスにおいては太刀川をはじめNOSIGNERのスタッフがコーチトレーニングを受け、CTI JAPANのメンバーたちとともにコーチングやCTIの歴史を紐解くことに多くの時間を費やし、その中で見えてきた物語をWebサイトのコンテンツに反映していきました。そして米国CTIのブランディングと一貫性を持たせるために、本国で用いられているグラデーションに着想を得たオリジナルのパターンを設計し、これをヴィジュアル・コミュニケーションの柱として各所に展開しています。

Branding of WAKE-UP
For the branding of WAKE UP Co., Ltd., we created brand tools that utilized color gradation developed for CTI JAPAN to show commonality with CTI. We also updated the corporate logo. The newly designed logo reflects the Co-Active philosophy of actualizing “being” and “doing.” It also features an essential motif in coaching “eyes” and symbolization of a “paradigm shift wave,” representing changes and transformations of organizations and individuals.
ウエイクアップ社のブランディングにおいては、CTI JAPANのために開発したグラデーションを活用したブランドツールを制作することでCTIとの関係性を示すとともに、コーポレートロゴの刷新を行いました。新たに開発したロゴは、「Being」と「Doing」を両立させる「Co-Active」のフィロソフィー、コーチングにおいて重要なモチーフである「目」、組織や個人の変化・転換を表す「パラダイムシフトの波」をシンボライズしたものになっています。

Additionally, many training applications and corporate project requests to CTI JAPAN were driven by word-of-mouth from professional coaches with CTI certification. In response, we proposed a communication strategy that empowers the entire CPCC community, contributing to the branding of WAKE UP Co., Ltd. We designed standardized tools, such as business cards for professional coaches and virtual backgrounds for online meetings. This creates an environment where coaches can fully demonstrate their capabilities while enabling the entire CPCC community to contribute to the branding of WAKE UP Co., Ltd. and CTI JAPAN.
さらに、CTI JAPANの受講申込や法人案件の依頼が、CTIの認定資格「CPCC」を取得しているプロコーチからの口コミによるところが大きかったことから、CPCCのコミュニティ全体をエンパワーすることで、ウェイクアップ社のブランディングにつなげるコミュニケーション戦略を提案しました。プロコーチが使える名刺やWeb会議のバーチャル背景など共通のツールをデザインし、CPCCの資格を持つ人たちが本領発揮できるような環境を整えるとともに、ウェイクアップ社やCTI JAPANにおけるブランディングをCPCCのコミュニティ全体が担う状況をつくりました。

Toward a future where more people
can fulfill their potential.
The coaching philosophy can be utilized to visualize the inner ideal direction of the trainee and the trainee can have initiative. More leaders and coaches who can help in this field make work smoother and positively support the lifestyle and well-being of many people. Society can be more creative if people think deeply about their life themes and live up to their potential. We want to continue supporting CTI JAPAN and WAKE UP Co., Ltd. initiatives. We want to go beyond our roles and responsibilities to shape a future where we can live up to our potential.
コーチングの思想を活かして、相手の内面にある進むべき方向を可視化し、自発性を導けるリーダーやコーチが増えることは、仕事を円滑にするだけでなく、多くの人の生き方やウェルビーイングにポジティブな影響を与えます。自分自身のライフテーマを見据え、本領発揮しながら生きる人たちが増えていけば、社会はもっと創造的になるでしょう。今後も私たちは、CTI JAPANやウエイクアップ社の活動をデザイン面からサポートし、立場や役割を超え、一人ひとりが可能性を発揮できる未来をともに描いていきたいと考えています。

Art Direction
NOSIGNER(Eisuke Tachikawa)
Web Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Kazuki Mori)
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Kazuki Mori)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Staff Name, Staff Name)
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Yuichi Hisatsugu)
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Staff Name, Staff Name)
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Yuichi Hisatsugu)