
To protect lives from pandemics.

Weekly reports on COVID-19 cases and global death counts by WHO

Concerns of the Japanese people as COVID-19 spreads nationally

The first case of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was confirmed in December 2019 and has quickly spread all around the world. It has become one of the largest infectious diseases in History.
As of November 2020, more than 1.4 million lives have already been lost worldwide, and the ever-increasing number of hospitalized patients is placing a tremendous strain on medical institutions. In addition, the world has been hit by the largest recession of the post-war era due to cities’ blockades and economic shutdowns.
COVID-19 is a serious infection that can be severe and even deadly at times. However, many infected people are asymptomatic, and the main characteristic of the disease is that it can spread without people even realizing it. The fear of this invisible infection has already driven some countries into a corner, but actions can be taken to minimize its spread.
Now is the time to make the most of our creativity and design wisdom to heal the pain in our world.
A collaborative website for tips and facts regarding infectious diseases.

Just like OLIVE, a wiki site created shortly after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the PANDAID website is co-edited by volunteers, including doctors, editors, and more. Over 100 volunteers are invested in this project, each with their own expertise.
Our editorial emphasis goes towards providing scientific facts in ways that are easy to understand and implement. Along with this editorial direction, the PANDAID book is a collection of facts and tips on everything from the basics of infectious diseases to prevention methods. How to stay strong and work remotely, tips on staying at home… it grants a variety of information. In addition, we keep making our own infographics and posters as needed to deliver intuitive content that the public can easily understand.

The identity is reminiscent of a road sign and embodies a wish for the pandemic to to stop and retreat. At the same time, the three arrows show how people’s unity is essential for its realization.

PANDAID introduces a face shield developed by NOSIGNER that can be made from an A4 clear file in a few tens of seconds. It is very inexpensive and practical, and the sheet can be downloaded for free. We send our heartfelt thanks and encouragement to those who fight in the medical field around the world.(FACE SHIELD / DOWNLOAD PDF)
PANDAIDのためにA4クリアファイルから数十秒でつくれるフェイスシールドを開発しました。非常に安価かつ実用的であり、シートは無料ダウンロードできます。世界中の医療現場で戦う人々へ、心からの感謝を。(フェイスシールド / PDFダウンロード)

Using the strength of design to contribute to the ending of the pandemic.
PANDAID, which is updated daily by volunteer management members, has become one of the most organized coronavirus-related sites in Japan, and its presence is ever growing in value.
The posters created to communicate the importance of "social distance" have been shared by more than 10,000 people on social media and helped give birth to a united movement to combat infectious diseases using the strength of design.
PANDAID is currently available in six languages, and more to come. Our goal is to make it the "fact-checked, fun, and interesting" infectious disease control website to contribute to the end of the pandemic.
We will continue to attend the website in the belief that the world we live in will be a better place the day we will be able to stand face to face with our loved ones again. It will undoubtedly be after overcoming one of the greatest challenges in human history.

Image courtesy of deTour 2020

PANDAID, a project that spread quickly after its inception, was invited to participate in the "deTour" design event organized by the Hong Kong government in 2020. We printed out the infographics from PANDAID website on large boards, including exclusive PANDAID social distance posters based on Hong Kong icons such as Bruce Lee and the tram. A workbench which people can make the PANDAID face shields on their own was also installed.
発足後すぐに世界へと広まった「PANDAID」は、2020年に香港政府主催のデザインイベント「deTour」に招待されました。当日会場では大きなボードでPANDAIDのインフォグラフィックを展示。香港で象徴的なブルース・リーやトラムなどを使い、ソーシャルディスタンスを促すポスターの展示を行いました。また、PANDAID FACE SHIELDを自作できるワークベンチも設置もされました。

Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Nozomi Aoyama), PANDAID Volunteers
Product Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Niyen Lee)
Web Design
NOSIGNER (Naoki Hijikata), PANDAID Volunteers
NOSIGNER (Ryota Mizusako), Kacho, PANDAID Volunteers
PANDAID Volunteers
PANDAID Volunteers
PANDAID Volunteers
Public Relations
PANDAID Volunteers
DFA Design for Asia Awards: Grand Award(2020)
IAUD International Design Award: GOLD AWARDS(2020)
DIA Design Intelligence Award: Honorable Mention(2020)
Sliver A' Design Award in Social Design Category (2021)
Golden Design Pin Award: The Best Design of Communication Design (2021)
Sliver A' Design Award in Social Design Category (2021)
Golden Design Pin Award: The Best Design of Communication Design (2021)
Educational use:
"Let's stay one tuna apart"
Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement: Longitudinal Study(TASAL)