Increase the number of innovators learning from the creativity of biological evolution.
Society is changing drastically. Even now 50 years later since 1972, which was said to be the limit of growth for human beings, we are still growing today. Changes to halt the collapse of biodiversity and actions to keep a sustainable society no longer have a temporal grace. We need more people to change society. We often say that things "evolve" by changing society. If we say that the changing society is evolving, will we be able to learn more about the process of this evolving society, from the evolution of living things?

Instinct measures dynamics unconsciously.
All things on our planet are bound by dynamics. Natural objects are subjected not only to gravity but also too many other kinds of forces arising from their surrounds, such as wind, load, and surface tension. Instinctively seeking to minimize the impact of these forces, nature tends to seek out optimal structures. Forms emerge naturally in the course of resisting these dynamic influences using the minimum materials necessary.
Have you ever wondered why insects have thin legs while those of an elephant are so thick? The answer can be explained in simple terms as follows: as distance doubles, volume grows by a factor of 8; gravity operates in proportion to volume, so it also increases cubically in proportion to distance. This means that it is necessary to alter the thickness of the legs that support the creature's load. The fact that large creatures move more slowly is also because they are subject to a stronger force of gravity. Not only animals but also plants, geological formations, and all other natural forms are deeply interconnected with dynamics. It seems that dynamics are also closely related to the aesthetic sense of humans.
We see beauty in forms that are created naturally in the course of resisting dynamic forces, such as objects floating in space free from gravity, structures built with ample detail, and taut curves subject to tensile force. Surely this is because we unconsciously perceive the strong forces flowing within such forms. In beauty, the ultimate goal is not to create form, but to exhibit the most straightforward type of form in opposition to the surrounding dynamics and flows.
Unmanufactured Curves.
A simple string cut into equal lengths and allowed to hang down. Why do we see beauty in this form? One of the line forms that is most pleasing to humans is the catenary curve. This curve is created naturally when you let a string held at both ends go slack. Shaped by resistance to the force of gravity, this line is an ideal arch form in structural terms. It is well-known that Antonio Gaudi designed the overall structure of the Sagrada Familia church by creating catenary curves using weighted strings, then flipping those curves vertically. The fact that humans sense beauty in such lines may well be due to the operation of our instinct for dynamics, whereby we perceive tension within forms.

Honest forms of mechanics are considered the most beautiful.
Even in the design of artifacts, things are constantly evolving and culling from advances in technology, human interests and within the changing context of time. The development of species on the premise of diversity closely resembles the form of evolution of living things. The invention constantly seeks to supplement the evolution of people. Being faster and more comfortable is perhaps not the kind of design that has been advanced by such philosophy and instinct of mankind. If evolution and the design of living organisms are sufficiently similar, it should make innovation easier, by understanding the process well, applying this to inventions and designs. "Evolution Thinking" is a methodology of creativity for education, to learn the ways of thinking, from nature.

Evolution Thinking came to be by integrating all ways of thinking.
"Evolution Thinking" started as a small experimental exhibition, and is currently gradually spreading, while being supported by proponents such as the automobile company, the real estate company of the largest scale in Japan and the manager of the global company of apparel. (Reference article: Harvard Business review etc). We will continue to provide "Evolution Thinking" as a program to nurture innovators that change society. In order to realize a sustainable symbiotic society, do not you think that there is at least one innovator within 2000 people, aiming for social change? While it is said that by 2050 the population will exceed 10 billion, one in 2000 is one in five million. With that, we believe that a superior educational program that truly brings up a number of people who realize social change is necessary.
小さな実験的展示から始まった進化思考は、いま日本最大級の規模の自動車会社・不動産会社やアパレルのグローバル企業の経営者など、徐々に賛同者に応援されながら広がりつつあります。(参考記事:Harvard Business review etc)私たちは進化思考を社会を変えるイノベーターを育てるためのプログラムとして提供し続けます。持続可能な共生社会の実現のためには、最低でも2000人に1人程度は、社会変革を目指すイノベーターがいてもいいと思いませんか。2050年までには人口が100億を突破すると言われている中で、2000人に1人は500万人。そのためには、本当に社会変革を実現する人を数多く育てる優れた教育プログラムが必要だと考えています。
Force / Evolutional Creativity
Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Toshiyuki Nakaie)
Space Design
Space Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Sui Fujikawa)
Kunihiko Sato
Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
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