Eisuke Tachikawa

Eisuke Tachikawa
JIDA (Japan Industrial Design Association), Tokyo, Japan / President
JIDA (Japan Industrial Design Association), Tokyo, Japan / President
WDO(World Design Organization) / Board of Directors
Keio University / Project Professor (SDM)
Kanazawa College of Art, Ishikawa, Japan / Visiting Professor
Keio University / Project Professor (SDM)
Kanazawa College of Art, Ishikawa, Japan / Visiting Professor
HUSKEY Co., Ltd. / Chief Design Officer / Director
A designer who works to bring hope to the future. Plan comprehensive design strategies in initiatives including SDGs, renewable energy, and revitalization of local communities.
A crossover designer in industrial design, graphic and visual design, and architecture, active internationally. Won over 100 awards in Japan and abroad, including Good Design Gold Award, Asia Design Prize Grand Prix, and German Design Gold Award. Jury for Good Design Award, ACC Tokyo Creativity Awards, Design for Asia Awards, and World Architecture Festival. He is the youngest president of the Japan Industrial Design Association (JIDA), the oldest national design organization in Japan.
To foster change-makers in academia, government, and various industries, he advocates a new method of education, Evolutional Creativity, and believes that the essence of creativity can be learned from the phenomenon of biological evolution. After its content was compiled into a book, it was selected by biologists and economists as the winner of the prestigious academic Shichihei Yamamoto Award. He also served as Chairman of the “Thinking about the Future of Higher Education Committee” of the Benesse Educational Research & Development Institute to promote creative education.
Author of “Evolutional Creativity” (Japanese original edition, Ama no Kaze, 2021 / Traditional Chinese edition, Grand4Happiness publishing, 2023) and “Design and Innovation” (Japanese original edition, IE International, 2016 - Traditional Chinese edition, Flâneur Culture Lab, 2019)
Disaster prevention
WIKI "OLIVE," which shares good designs in the event of a disaster, launched 40 hours after the Great East Japan Earthquake and ignited the movement of disaster prevention design after the earthquake. These activities will create THE SECOND AID, creating a disaster prevention industry in Tohoku. Also, OLIVE's books were developed into Tokyo disaster prevention (collaborating with Dentsu), the most significant disaster management plan in the history of the administration, which Tokyo later issued more than 8.30 million copies and distributed to all households. We made it a movement to enjoy disaster prevention.
Traditional industry
Starting with the design work from Tokushima's woodwork production from student days, work with traditional industries is diverse. We worked on the design direction of the traditional craft brand "Aeru," a 0 to 6-year-old brand that received the APEC BEST AWARD as a social enterprise. In addition, Kanpyou Udon in Oyama City, Tochigi Prefecture, won the world's No. 1 design award in the food package category at the 2009 PentAwards. Worked on the branding of Echizen Lacquer, which is the largest lacquer production area in Japan, and developed the blackest lacquer in the history of 1200 years of lacquer tradition integrated with the pictogram that expresses the true meaning of lacquer, and the CNT technology of Toyo Ink.
Tohoku Reconstruction Support
Since OLIVE's work, he has worked on several Tohoku reconstruction support projects. A project to create a disaster prevention industry typified by THE SECOND AID, “Oyatsu TIMES” project to create a market by introducing East Japan's treats in collaboration with JR East, an accessory brand OCICA to create a community on the Oshika peninsula of Ishinomaki At the EAST JAPAN PROJECT, a student at Sakai, we continue to connect the affected districts and markets, such as product design.
Civic Pride
In Shizuoka City, as a branding director of the Cultural Art Creation Base Formation Project, we will expand the “Machi wa Theater” policy in collaboration with Mayor Nobuhiro Tanabe and director Miyagi Kei, “ON STAGE SHIZUOKA” and “WORLD THEATRE FESTIVAL SHIZUOKA" The brand aims to make Shizuoka a sacred place for performing arts. In Yokohama, he works on the branding of the baseball team BayStars to establish a lifestyle with baseball and works on designs that extend to the streets of Yokohama, such as THE BAYS, + B, and Manhole. In addition, through collaboration with ACY / Baystars, we are connecting the innovators of Yokohama through the creation of a community called WE BRAND YOKOHAMA.
Cool Japan
From March 2014-August 2014, the Cabinet Secretariat, "Cool Japan Movement Promotion Conference," appointed Eisuke Tachikawa as a concept director from the minister and accepted as a volunteer and put together the "Cool Japan proposal." Contributing to formulating the Cool Japan mission declaration "Japan for creatively solving the problems of the world" and presenting it with the former Minister Atsumi Inada. I drew a design strategy ahead of the SDGs. However, one week after the declaration, it will become a visionary proposal by the reshuffle of the cabinet. I also like the shrine and temple that both self and others recognize in the proposal, such as the improvement of the sign plan of the temples and shrines and the TEDx Tokyo. We aim at the preservation of tradition. The cosmetic brand WAREW with the theme of white indigo, shines in the world's top package design in the field of cosmetics in the 2013 PentAwards.
Science communication
Since 2007, he has been working as a graphic designer since he started designing as a graphic designer at the University of Tokyo's Center for Advanced Science and Technology Research and has been working on science communication since its inception. Branding support for "Sora Tourism" is operated by the public relations director of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and Naoko Yamazaki, an astronaut. In Milan Salone, in collaboration with AGC, we created the world's largest glass molecular structure model using glass material samples. He was introduced as BEST OF MILAN DESIGN WEEK from FRAME.
Renewable energy
In the “Design Strategy Recommendation for Radioactive Waste Final Disposal Site” proposed to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2018, the radioactive waste disposal site should be neutralized from the nuclear policy and conversely integrated with the renewable energy policy. So, he drew a strategy for the disposal site to become a hill of hope for future energy policy.
JIDA (公益社団法人日本インダストリアルデザイン協会) 理事長
WDO(国連特殊諮問機関 世界デザイン機構) 理事
慶應義塾大学SDM(システムデザインマネジメント研究科)大学院 特任教授
JIDA (公益社団法人日本インダストリアルデザイン協会) 理事長
WDO(国連特殊諮問機関 世界デザイン機構) 理事
慶應義塾大学SDM(システムデザインマネジメント研究科)大学院 特任教授
HUSKEY株式会社 CDO 取締役
建築、プロダクト、グラフィックなどの高い表現力を発揮するデザイナーとして、グッドデザイン賞金賞、アジアデザイン賞大賞、ドイツデザイン賞金賞をはじめ、国内外で100以上のデザイン賞を受賞。また、ACC賞審査委員長をはじめ、グッドデザイン賞、DFAA(Design for Asia Awards)、WAF(World Architecture Festival)等の審査員を歴任する。
東日本大震災の40時間後に立ち上げた災害時に役立つデザインを共有するWIKI「OLIVE」は、大震災以降の防災デザインのムーブメントに火をつけた。その活動がTHE SECOND AIDを生み、東北の防災産業創出につながる。
学生時代からの徳島の木工のプロデュースからデザインの仕事を始めたのを皮切りに、伝統産業との仕事は多岐にわたる。社会起業としてAPEC BEST AWARDを受賞した0〜6歳の伝統ブランド「和える」のデザインディレクションを手がける。また、栃木県小山市のかんぴょううどんは2009年ペントアワードの食品パッケージデザイン部門にて世界一となるプラチナ賞を受賞。日本最大の漆器産地、越前漆器のブランディングを手がけ、漆の真贋ををわかりやすく表現するピクトグラム、東洋インキのCNT技術と融合した漆伝来1200年の歴史上最も黒い漆の開発を手がけている。
OLIVEの仕事以来、東北復興支援のプロジェクトを数多く手がけている。THE SECOND AIDに代表される防災産業創出のためのプロジェクト、JR東日本との協業による東日本のおかしを紹介して市場をつくる「おやつTIMES」プロジェクト、石巻の牡鹿半島にコミュニティをつくるためのアクセサリーブランドOCICA、師である隈研吾のEAST JAPAN PROJECTにてプロダクトデザイン等、被災地のコミュニティと市場をつなぐ挑戦を続けている。
静岡市では、文化芸術創造拠点形成事業のブランディングディレクターとして、田辺信宏市長や演出家の宮城聰さんとの協業で「まちは劇場」政策を広げ、「ON STAGE SHIZUOKA」や「ふじのくに⇄世界演劇祭」のブランディングを手がけて静岡をパフォーミングアーツの聖地にすることを目指している。地元横浜では、ベイスターズのライフスタイル化のブランディングを手がけ、THE BAYSや+B、マンホールなど横浜の街に広がるデザインを手がける。またACY・ベイスターズとの協業でWE BRAND YOKOHAMAというコミュニティづくりを通して、横浜の変革者たちを繋いでいる。
2007-2009に東京大学先端科学技術研究センターの広報のデザインディレクションを手がけるところからグラフィックデザイナーとして活動を開始するなど、創業期よりサイエンスコミュニケーションに熱心に取り組んでいる。国立天文台の懸広報室長や宇宙飛行士の山崎直子さんが手がける「宙ツーリズム」をブランディングで支援している。ミラノサローネではAGCとの協業で世界最大のガラスの分子構造模型をガラスの素材サンプルで創り上げ、FRAME(蘭)からBEST OF MILAN DESIGNWEEKとして紹介される。