
Simple tasks rob workers of their creativity and active skills.
Many tasks in the business world require time and labor, and people are so busy every day they need all the help they can get. Most of these jobs are simple, mechanical tasks, with routine work eating up the work hours of many. With labor shortages worsening annually, society needed to improve work efficiency through the smart use of AI and other technologies, allowing workers to devote their limited time to more creative work and making their jobs more active and fulfilling.
Is there work that you feel is useless?

Why do you want to quit your factory job?

How much time do marketers spend on routine work?

A cat's paw that automates simple tasks at blazing speeds.
We branded the cloud-based RPA service developed by AUTORO Inc. Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is a concept or tool that utilizes robots equipped with AI and other technologies to automate routine desk work. In 2018, amid the rapid expansion of the RPA market, AUTORO Inc. had already deployed Robotic Crowd, a cloud-based RPA that automates simple tasks in the cloud. Many companies have implemented it into their operations. However, cloud RPA has low awareness and has an image of being difficult to use, making users hesitate and hindering further expansion.
To make the service easy to understand for users who are unfamiliar with RPA, we proposed a communication strategy that utilizes the intuitive and accessible phrase "Web Auto Robot." Since the service used to feature a cat icon, we developed a new name for the service called AUTORO, which we have coined by combining "Web Auto Robot" with "otoro" (the fattiest cut of tuna belly), a favorite food of cats.
To make the service easy to understand for users who are unfamiliar with RPA, we proposed a communication strategy that utilizes the intuitive and accessible phrase "Web Auto Robot." Since the service used to feature a cat icon, we developed a new name for the service called AUTORO, which we have coined by combining "Web Auto Robot" with "otoro" (the fattiest cut of tuna belly), a favorite food of cats.
株式会社チュートリアルが展開するクラウド型RPAサービスのブランディングを行いました。RPAとはRobotic Process Automationの略称で、デスクワークの定型業務をAIなどの技術を備えたロボットが代行・自動化する概念ないしツールを指します。RPA市場が急速に拡大する中、同社では2018年よりクラウド上の単純作業を自動化するクラウド型RPA「Robotic Crowd」を展開し、すでに多くの企業に導入されていました。しかしクラウド型RPAという言葉の認知度の低さや難解なイメージがユーザーに抵抗感を与えてしまう側面もあり、さらなるサービス拡大における障壁となっていました。
そこでRPAを知らないユーザーにもサービスが理解しやすいように、「Web Auto Robot」という直感的に伝わりやすい言葉を用いるコミュニケーション戦略を提案。従来のサービスが猫のアイコンを用いていたことから、「Web Auto Robot」と猫の好物である「大トロ」をかけた「AUTORO」という新しいサービス名を開発しました。
そこでRPAを知らないユーザーにもサービスが理解しやすいように、「Web Auto Robot」という直感的に伝わりやすい言葉を用いるコミュニケーション戦略を提案。従来のサービスが猫のアイコンを用いていたことから、「Web Auto Robot」と猫の好物である「大トロ」をかけた「AUTORO」という新しいサービス名を開発しました。

To smoothen brand communication, we developed Autoro-kun, an original mascot embodying the image of a cat, a robot, and otoro sushi. We aimed to change RPA's complicated image and convey it in an easy-to-understand manner through all kinds of media, including service introduction videos, website, business cards, and Zoom background.

Service Introduction Video サービス紹介動画

We used a cat's paw as the motif of our logo, from the Japanese expression of being busy enough to need help from even a cat, clearly conveying the service as a feline AI companion ready to give its busy users a hand. Based on the cardioid curve (a cycloid curve with mathematical beauty), we designed the geometric symbol to fit its robot image. Its logo overlaps with the image of the Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara, who saves people in every possible way, expressing the service's identity in terms of accuracy, reliability, and friendliness.

A society where people can use their limited time for creative activities.
AUTORO is an automated online robot that automates tasks in the cloud at blazing speeds, aiming to free users from mundane tasks.
We will continue to support this service's visual design and create an environment where people can spend their limited time on creative work, aiming for a society every individual can fulfill their potential.
We will continue to support this service's visual design and create an environment where people can spend their limited time on creative work, aiming for a society every individual can fulfill their potential.
クラウド上の作業を爆速で自動化してくれるWeb Auto Robot「AUTORO」は、より多くのユーザーを単純作業から開放するサービスとなることを目指しています。
Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa, Aya Sakurai, Noémie Kawakita)
Motion Design
Aco Hsu
Yasuko Hokazono
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa, Aya Sakurai, Noémie Kawakita, Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Web Design
NOSIGNER (Ryo Fukusawa, Eisuke Tachikawa, Noémie Kawakita)
Character Design
NOSIGNER (Aya Sakurai, Eisuke Tachikawa)
Yuta Okamura
NOSIGNER (Aya Sakurai)
NOSIGNER (Yuichi Hisatsugu)