To securely connect Japan's present leading wood industry to the future.
The craftsmanship of shipwright technology that supported the "Awahan" naval forces of Tokushima Prefecture was handed down from the Edo period. This technology developed from the Meiji to the Showa period as a major production area for box furniture that mainly focused on chest drawers, mirrors, and altars. However, Japan's traditional industrial value of production had fallen to 1/5 in the past 40 years. Tokushima's wood industry has been declining year by year, due to changes in modern lifestyle. Along with the rise of cheaper overseas products, Japan's leading box furniture production drove into prosperity. Where the wood industry was going out of business, we questioned what kind of design could revive the industry to create new opportunities for highly skilled carpenters of Tokushima.
Changes in production value of
traditional craft industry.

A chair with an animal-like silhouette, formulating a human-like attachment.
Together with Miyazaki Chair Factory of Tokushima Prefecture, we produced "an chair" featuring an animal-like silhouette. We questioned what kind of chair humans felt naturally "attached" to, going beyond the function of a standard tool we use every day, revitalizing Tokushima's expert woodworking technology. We realized that chairs considered as masterpieces in the product design world, all have animalistic characteristics. We aimed to express this "attachment" invisible to the eye, acquiring superior formability and functionality, inspired by the silhouette of four-legged animals walking to balance the center of gravity.
徳島県の「宮崎椅子製作所」とともに、動物のようなシルエットをした椅子「an chair」を製作しました。徳島の高い木工技術を活かし、数々の椅子を世に送り出してきた同社とともに椅子をデザインするにあたり、これまでに人間が、単なる暮らしの道具を超えた愛着を寄せてきた椅子とは何か? という根源的な問いについて考えることからスタートしました。そして、プロダクトデザインの世界で名作とされてきた数々の椅子はみな、動物のように生き生きとしているということがわかってきました。そこで、動物のような椅子をデザインすることをテーマに、全体のシルエットから重心のバランスまであらゆる面において四足歩行の動物を意識することで、優れた造形性や機能性を獲得することに加え、目には見えない「愛着」を表現することを目指しました。

Although the design was highly appreciated, the original purpose still needs to be reached.
The prototype "an chair," was the first chair we ever designed. However, although it was highly acclaimed and sold as an unlimited edition, we soon realized that in a crisis-prone production area, this was not enough to make a change. Our original purpose is to create new markets, movements, and relationships through branding and communication strategies, to save as many artisans and production areas as possible. These designs were a part of a series of projects NOSIGNER and Eisuke Tachikawa worked on, as a traditional industrial producer in Tokushima prefecture from 2007 to 2009. This series brought about valuable experiences that would determine our future missions.
NOSIGNERとして初めてデザインした椅子「an chair」のプロトタイプは高く評価され、数量限定で販売もされることとなりました。しかし、危機的な状況にある産地には、ひとつのプロダクトをデザインするだけでは到底太刀打ちできないほど強い逆風が吹いていることを改めて実感しました。私たちの目的は、そのデザインが高く評価されることではなく、ブランディングやコミュニケーション戦略などを通じて新たな市場やムーブメント、関係性をつくり、少しでも多くの職人や産地を救うことです。SUMIのデザインがきっかけとなり、徳島県の伝統産業プロデューサーに就任したNOSIGNER太刀川が、2007年から2009年までに手がけた一連のプロジェクトは、その後の私たちのミッションを決定づける重要な経験となりました。
an chair
Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Product Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Masaharu Hatta Collection
Tokushima, Japan