
Can Yokohama create hope for the future?


Yokohama was one of the first ports to open its doors to the world after the long period of national isolation that lasted around 160 years. Due to this historical background, many innovators with international ideas have gathered here to create many of "Japan's firsts" like railroads, gas lights, telephones, and ice cream, generating many promising hopes for the future of the nation


Port of Yokohama in 1858. 1858年の横浜港

Yokohama, which has continued to grow along with the development of modern Japan, is now the largest city in Japan designated by ordinance with a population of 3.7 million people. More recently, thanks to the increase in the number of multinational R&D facilities and startup companies especially in the Minato Mirai area, many innovators and technologists are again converging on this city as it were when the port was first opened to the world, and it is highly anticipated to become a city that will revitalize Japan's industry.

As the trade-off to modern civilization's demand for constant growth and development, the earth's environment and soil have been radically transformed, resulting in disruptions in the ecosystem. In this age and time, cities need to pursue a different path to growth; and to do that, industries that invent alternative solutions and infrastructures that enable them to achieve that vision are required.

What will our cities look like in the future? Will Yokohama, which experienced a prosperous golden age in the 20th century, be able to sow the seeds of hope for the future again in the 21st century?




Turning a city where cutting-edge R&D facilities are concentrated into a futuristic city.


In January 2019, the city of Yokohama proclaimed the development of "Innovation City Yokohama" that will churn out new innovative solutions by helping researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs, students, and the like, to expand their network beyond their own organizations. However, they struggled to put together a sound policy. Thankfully, as a business based in Yokohama, we were selected to cooperate with the city to develop the strategies for Yokohama's innovation policy.



First, we realized the need for a brand to symbolize the city's innovation policy. So, we proposed the word "YOXO=Yokohama Cross Over" to represent Innovation City Yokohama's theme of taking on the world through mutual cooperation across various sectors and among people of all social statuses and as a brand that consolidates all of Yokohama city's initiatives towards innovation. This name is also overlaid with our message of gratitude and praise for the innovations from challengers of this town who came before us, as we often say in Japanese, "Yokuzo! (Yoku yatte kureta)", meaning "Good job! You got it done."
We also came up with this name with the hope that it will be widely recognized and loved as a representation of Yokohama, like how the abbreviation "NYC" is for New York City.

私たちはまず、都市のイノベーション政策の旗印となる言葉が必要だと考えました。そこで、立場やセクターを超えた協働によるチャレンジという「イノベーション都市・横浜」が掲げるテーマを「YOXO=YOKOHAMA CROSS OVER」という言葉で表し、横浜市のイノベーション施策全体を統合する名称として提案しました。このネーミングには、この街の挑戦者たちが生み出したイノベーションを、「よくぞ!(よくやってくれた)」と未来の人たちが讃え、感謝する情景が重ね合わされています。

To reinforce this branding, we developed the font "YOXO SANS" based on the geometric Sans Serif font that has an innovative touch.  We created the core designs for visual communication and spaces.

本ブランディングのために、イノベーティブな印象を与える幾何学的なサンセリフ体のフォント「YOXO SANS」を開発。ビジュアルコミュニケーションや空間デザインの核を設計しました。


With NOSIGNER's Tachikawa as a facilitator, workshops participated by business owners and stakeholders in the city were held several times to draft the "YOXO X-VISION".
Using the slogan "We can invent hope for the future" to guide our ultimate goal of becoming a city of innovation, we put together a vision of creating a sustainable city through the crossover of multiple industries. The "YOXO X-VISION" born out of this activity has 3 pillars, namely "City of Futuristic Experiences", "City that Supports Innovators", and "Industrial Crossover City", upon which a total of 10 specific initiatives linked to those goals are set.

NOSIGNER太刀川がファシリテーターとなり、市内の事業者やステークホルダーたちが参加した複数回のワークショップを経て「YOXO X-VISION(クロスビジョン)」を策定。
「みらいの希望は創造できる」という言葉とともに、イノベーション都市自体の大きな目標を掲げ、領域を越えた交配(クロスオーバー)によって持続可能な都市を実現することを目指すビジョンをまとめました。こうして生まれた「YOXO X-VISION」は、「みらい体験都市」「挑戦者応援都市」「領域越境都市」という3つの柱で構成されており、それぞれに紐づく合計10の具体的なアクションを設定しています。

Organization for Futuristic Yokohama

In 2021, the "Organization for Futuristic Yokohama" will be newly established to connect people working within and outside Yokohama and to support the players that are taking on new challenges. We were deeply involved in the organization's naming and forming of a vision statement, and continue to be involved in its policies.




YOXO college

YOXO College was established as an online platform for nurturing innovators in collaboration with four universities as well as businesses and government agencies in Yokohama as part of efforts to implement the "Yokohama City Campus Initiative," a plan set forth under YOXO X-VISION. Our company was tasked with the comprehensive branding of this collective, including its naming and the design of its logo and website.

In designing the logo, we focused on the geometric string of "YOXO大" (YOXO College) and created a point-symmetrical design centered on the "X." In our design, the horizontal stroke of the character "大" terminates in a triangular ornament (known as "uroko") unique to the Mincho font family, which serves to create the impression of a forward-pointing arrow and the image of a person holding out their hand. Finally, we also designed a shield-shaped symbol that is reminiscent of a school badge and an appropriate motion to evoke a recognition of the institution as a forum for learning.

YOXO College Official Site https://www.yoxo-college.com/

YOXO大 (よくぞカレッジ)

YOXO X-VISIONに掲げられたアクションのひとつ「街ごとキャンパス構想」の実現に向け、横浜の4つの大学と企業・行政が連携したイノベーター育成のためのオンラインプラットフォーム「YOXO大(よくぞカレッジ)」が構築されました。弊社はその共同体のためのネーミングやロゴ、Webサイトのデザインなどのトータルブランディングを手がけました。

YOXO大 公式サイト https://www.yoxo-college.com/


We directed the interior design and signage design for "YOXO BOX", a facility set up within the Kannai area as a hub for supporting the growth of new business ventures, one of the specific initiatives taken towards realizing the vision. With the concept of being a sandbox (proving grounds) for inspiring innovation through various crossovers, the walls and glass windows of the facility are positioned in such a way to form the alphabets that make up the facility's name. We aim to make this space a hub that leads the charge in Yokohama's pursuit of innovation by holding various events and community workshops throughout the year.

​​​​​​​ヴィジョンの実現に向けた具体的なアクションのひとつとして、関内エリアに開設されたベンチャー企業成長支援事業の拠点「YOXO BOX」の内装ディレクションやサインデザインなども担当しました。さまざまなクロスオーバーからイノベーションを生み出すサンドボックス(砂場=実験場)をコンセプトに据え、施設の壁面やガラス面には、施設名を構成するアルファベットをパターン展開。年間通じて開催されるさまざまなイベントやコミュニティを通じて、この空間が横浜のイノベーションのムーブメントを牽引するハブの一つになることを目指しています。

Pacifico Yokohama Capsule Toys

At the request of Mr. Takumi Hayashi, Deputy Mayor of Yokohama at the time of the start of YOXO and co-creator of the project, we designed a capsule toy for Pacifico Yokohama, where Mr. Hayashi is currently serving as President. The facilities of Pacifico Yokohama, located on the waterfront of Minato Mirai 21, are reproduced in a 1/2500 scale capsule toy with meticulous attention to detail. As the name "Capsule City Planning" implies, the goal is to have fun while fostering an attachment to Yokohama through a line of products that can be assembled like a puzzle to recreate the city of Minatomirai.
(Translated with DeepL.com)

パシフィコ横浜 カプセルトイ

YOXOスタート時の横浜副市長であり、一連のプロジェクトを共創した林 琢己氏より依頼を受け、同氏が現在社長を務めているパシフィコ横浜のカプセルトイをデザインしました。みなとみらい21のウォーターフロントに位置するパシフィコ横浜の各施設を、細部にまで徹底的にこだわった1/2500サイズのカプセルトイで再現。「カプセル都市計画」の名の通り、6つのカプセルトイをすべて集め、パズルのように組み立てることでみなとみらいの都市を再現できる商品群を通して、楽しみながら横浜への愛着を育んでもらうことを目指しています。

Towards a city that creates value worth preserving for future generations.


As NOSIGNER Tachikawa's method "Evolution Thinking", we believe that the crossover of various elements is the catalyst for the evolution of cities and innovation.
At the Organization for Futuristic Yokohama, we continue to facilitate opportunities that allow various crossovers to occur frequently in Yokohama, a city where there is a high concentration of key players from the R&D sector of multinational corporations, startup companies, and the creative industry. Our ultimate goal is to have a mindset of "Adaptation" that allows us to accurately perceive the current state of society and to support "Mutation" innovations by various challengers to create value worth preserving for future generations.
Additionally, NOSIGNER will also continue to promote innovative case studies from Yokohama, like NANA Lv. and evolutionary schools, Yokohama DeNA Baystars, Chiyoda Corporation's SPERA hydrogen system, and more, contributing to the realization of a city that generates hope for the future.

NOSIGNER太刀川が提唱する『Evolution Thinking』のように、都市の進化やイノベーションはさまざまな要素のクロスオーバー(=交配)によって加速すると私たちは考えています。 
また、NOSIGNERとしても、NANA Lv.や進化の学校、横浜DeNAベイスターズ、千代田化工建設のSPERA水素事業をはじめとするこの街のさまざまなプロジェクトを通じて、創造的なケーススタディを横浜から発信し、未来の希望を生み出す都市の実現に貢献していきたいと考えています。


Social design by evolutional creativity.
Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Nozomi Aoyama, Kosuke Nakamura, Jin Nagao, Ryo Fukusawa, Moe Shibata)
Web Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa)
NOSIGNER (Naoki Hijikata)
Motion Design
Reiya Muraoka
Space Design
Space Design Supervision
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Kosuke Nakamura)
NOSIGNER (Mizusako Ryota, Ruel James Villamayor)

Yokohama, Japan
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