
Because the industry doesn't know how much greenhouse gases it emits.

Over the past 50 years, typhoons, hurricanes, heavy rainfall, and other weather-related disasters have increased nearly fivefold, with devastating damage reported worldwide almost every year. A primary cause of climate change is CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHGs), making the transition to a decarbonized society a pressing issue for ensuring the sustainability of our civilization.
In 2015, the Paris Agreement set the goal of limiting the global average temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Since then, efforts to transition to a decarbonized, net-zero GHG emission society have accelerated. However, these efforts remain insufficient. At the current pace, global temperatures are projected to rise by approximately 4.5°C by 2100, leading to a dramatic increase in disasters and damage to ecosystems.
As we approach the worst-case scenario, companies worldwide are under growing pressure to disclose their GHG emissions. Unfortunately, in Japan, very few companies are prepared for this rising global trend. Additionally, to reduce CO2 emissions across all areas—from production activities to individual lifestyles—companies must track the emissions associated with each product and service. However, the reality is that very few companies are doing such calculations.
Dieting is difficult without a scale, and decarbonization is a global mission spanning all sectors. Yet, we live in a society where it is inherently challenging to track GHG emissions.


Trends in the number of reported events

Projected Temperature Increase (℃)

By designing services that measure the CO2 emissions of companies and products.


SUSTUS is a university-based startup and one of the several regional projects NOSIGNER launched in collaboration with Keio University’s Graduate School of Media Design members. It focuses on measuring and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
SUSTUS has been part of the GX League since its early stages. The GX League is a platform that brings together companies actively involved in the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry's Green Transformation (GX) initiative to collaborate with government and academic institutions. As practitioners, we also provide feedback on rule-making while offering services that comply with the latest regulations. We provide decarbonization-focused services and consulting for businesses centered around our proprietary CO2 emissions measurement app, working on decarbonizing large companies and local communities.
The name "SUSTUS" reflects the company's desire to add (which is "tasu" in Japanese, hence TUS) sustainability (SUS) to business activities and consumer lifestyles.


The logo is a 3D design inspired by a tetrahedron, seamlessly blending the "S" and "+" (from "tasu," meaning to add) in the company name. When viewed from one angle, it forms a square; from another, it transforms into an equilateral triangle. This shift in perspective symbolizes the importance of viewing society from different angles. The changing perspective also serves as a diagram to illustrate SUSTUS' business activities.


SUSTUS' CO2 emissions measurement app is designed to accurately track emissions in compliance with the GX League's guidelines. The app offers flexible and user-friendly solutions for measuring emissions at the company level by emission source or even per individual product. In addition to CO2 emissions reporting and formulating effective CO2 reduction strategies, SUSTUS also provides training programs to develop skills for decarbonization. Our consulting work for SAGA COLLECTIVE has helped launch Japan's first zero-carbon companies in sectors such as noodle production, green tea, paper, traditional carpet weaving, and seaweed.

SUSTUSのCO2排出量計測アプリは、GXリーグに準拠した形でCO2を的確に計測できる設計となっています。会社の排出源ごとの測定や商品一個単位の測定などにもわかりやすくフレキシブルに対応できることが特徴です。このツールを活用したCO2排出量のレポーティング、効果的なCO2削減戦略の策定だけでなく、脱炭素化のスキルを備えた人材の教育事業なども提供しています。SUSTUSがコンサルティングを手掛けたSAGA COLLECTIVEのプロジェクトでは、製麺・緑茶・紙・緞通・海苔の分野において日本初となるゼロカーボン企業が誕生しました。

Contributing to a decarbonized society by starting with understanding emissions.


SUSTUS is offering the alpha version of its CO2 measurement app while providing ongoing decarbonization consulting services for companies across various industries.
For example, eleven Saga Prefecture SMEs that are part of the SAGA COLLECTIVE began measuring their emissions and transformed into zero-carbon companies through their ongoing reductions. In this case, measuring CO2 emissions and addressing one's environmental impact is the first step toward realizing a zero-carbon society.
Companies can take independent steps by proactively adopting carbon accounting—an action likely to become mandatory—and advancing zero-carbon initiatives while enhancing their branding and public relations efforts. We hope to see companies across all industries lead the way in realizing a decarbonized society, making zero carbon a standard for industry and society. By consistently building up these small initiatives, we can protect ourselves from the escalating impacts of climate change and ensure safe, thriving communities and a healthy natural environment for future generations.

例えばSAGA COLLECTIVEに参加する佐賀県の11社の中小企業は、自社のCO2排出量を測定することからスタートし、排出量を削減させながらゼロカーボン企業へと生まれ変わりました。この事例が示すように、CO2排出量を測定し、自社の環境負荷と向き合うことがゼロカーボン社会の実現に向けた第一歩となります。 


Social design by evolutional creativity. 
Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Moe Shibata, Kazuki Mori)
Motion Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Moe Shibata), egao Inc. (Shimpei Mitani)
UIUX / Web Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa, Kazuki Mori)
Tech Flyer, Inc.

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