
Is Japan's local industry sustainable?
Many of Japan's local industries are in decline due to a variety of problems, including a shortage of human resources, aging craftsmen, difficulty in finding successors, and sluggish demand. Furthermore, in recent years, local natural resources such as water, food, and the natural environment, on which local businesses rely, have been threatened by the enormous burden placed on the environment by human society. In this context, the creation of sustainable local industries while maintaining the ecological balance is a major challenge for the future of the region.

Japan's first zero-carbon local industry brand.
SAGA COLLECTIVE is a new cooperative formed by the operators of eleven diverse, small- and medium-size companies leading their respective local industries in Saga Prefecture. It was started in 2019 to disseminate Saga Prefecture's culture and traditions to the world. The rebranding of the SAGA COLLECTIVE will be handled by SUSTUS, a circular economy consulting firm jointly established by NOSIGNER and Keio University Graduate School of Media Design (KMD).
SAGA COLLECTIVE is a group of local businesses producing diverse products that Saga can boast about. They include seaweed, tea, sake, and Arita pottery. All these products are highly acclaimed in their respective product categories. However, to establish a uniqueness as a local brand, it is not enough to simply gather prominent local products. Therefore, under the SAGA COLLECTIVE brand, we propose Japan's first "local brand with all decarbonized products." The products' carbon emissions will be compensated for with carbon offsets to help preserve Saga's forests.
SAGA COLLECTIVE is a group of local businesses producing diverse products that Saga can boast about. They include seaweed, tea, sake, and Arita pottery. All these products are highly acclaimed in their respective product categories. However, to establish a uniqueness as a local brand, it is not enough to simply gather prominent local products. Therefore, under the SAGA COLLECTIVE brand, we propose Japan's first "local brand with all decarbonized products." The products' carbon emissions will be compensated for with carbon offsets to help preserve Saga's forests.
SAGA COLLECTIVEは、佐賀県の様々な地場産業を牽引する、業種の異なる中小企業11社の経営者たちによって結成された新しい協同組合です。佐賀の文化と伝統を世界に向けて発信するべく、2019年に発足されました。そんなSAGA COLLECTIVEのリブランディングを、NOSIGNERと慶應義塾大学大学院メディアデザイン研究科(KMD)が合弁で立ち上げたサーキュラー・エコノミー専門のコンサルティングファーム「SUSTUS」が担当することになりました。
SAGA COLLECTIVEには、海苔、製茶、日本酒、有田焼など佐賀が誇るさまざまな産品を手がける事業者が集まり、各々の分野で高く評価されています。しかし各地に数多ある地場産品のリーダーが集うだけでは、地域ブランドとしてのユニークネスは確立できません。そこで私たちは、SAGA COLECTIVEブランドの下で展開している商品のCO2排出量に応じて、佐賀の森林を保全してカーボン・オフセットする日本初の「全商品脱炭素済みの地域ブランド」を提案しました。
SAGA COLLECTIVEには、海苔、製茶、日本酒、有田焼など佐賀が誇るさまざまな産品を手がける事業者が集まり、各々の分野で高く評価されています。しかし各地に数多ある地場産品のリーダーが集うだけでは、地域ブランドとしてのユニークネスは確立できません。そこで私たちは、SAGA COLECTIVEブランドの下で展開している商品のCO2排出量に応じて、佐賀の森林を保全してカーボン・オフセットする日本初の「全商品脱炭素済みの地域ブランド」を提案しました。

While incorporating the existing logo (a registered trademark), we designed the letters in "COLLECTIVE" to have the same design as "SAGA." And the zero CO2 symbol was created anew. The logo was redesigned for the brand name to give a stronger impression.

To reduce the burden on the companies and the environment, we designed a standard, white box without any printing to enable customized packaging. Just by affixing the Zero Carbon sticker or Attention sticker on the box, each company can continue to sell their existing products as a SAGA COLLECTIVE product.
各社の負担や環境への負荷を減らすためにオリジナルの印刷を施さず、共通の白いボックスをパッケージにカスタムできる仕組みを設計。ゼロ・カーボンを示すステッカーやアテンションシールを添付するだけで、各社の既存商品をSAGA COLLECTIVEの商品として展開できるようにしました。

Communication tools such as cards, in-store POP signs, and websites have a standardized design similar to messaging apps such as LINE. The brand's PR text and user comments are combined to spread the word. While incorporating product comments from customers submitted through QR codes and websites, we encourage a communication strategy that makes recommendations by oneself and others visually discernible.
For local industries to create the future of their region.
While working on this rebranding project, we measured each company's CO2 emissions and were surprised to find that over half of the companies had implemented carbon offsets not only for their SAGA COLLECTIVE products, but also for the entire company, transforming into net-zero CO2 companies. (Within Scope 1 and 2 emissions.)
As a result, the SAGA COLLECTIVE has produced Japan's first company-wide, decarbonized companies in the fields of noodle making, green tea production, washi paper production, satin damask, and laver.
Thanks to this project, people have become aware of the actions and costs necessary for decarbonization and the importance of it all. This has led to positive changes in the local area.
For conventional local industries, this is a completely new project for the sake of the local area's future. And the rebranding of this project has only just begun. The project is already gaining the favor of consumers, and it will likely lead to the younger generation taking over the project someday.
We hope that each of these industry-leading companies in Saga will become a model for sustainable local production to encourage decarbonization in their respective industries. To make local industries and the natural environment sustainable for the future, we shall continue to work together with the SAGA COLLECTIVE.
As a result, the SAGA COLLECTIVE has produced Japan's first company-wide, decarbonized companies in the fields of noodle making, green tea production, washi paper production, satin damask, and laver.
Thanks to this project, people have become aware of the actions and costs necessary for decarbonization and the importance of it all. This has led to positive changes in the local area.
For conventional local industries, this is a completely new project for the sake of the local area's future. And the rebranding of this project has only just begun. The project is already gaining the favor of consumers, and it will likely lead to the younger generation taking over the project someday.
We hope that each of these industry-leading companies in Saga will become a model for sustainable local production to encourage decarbonization in their respective industries. To make local industries and the natural environment sustainable for the future, we shall continue to work together with the SAGA COLLECTIVE.
本ブランドの刷新にあたり、各社のCO2排出量を計測したところ、驚くべきことに過半数の会社が本プロジェクトの商品だけでなく、自社全体を対象にカーボン・オフセットを行う、実質CO2ゼロの企業へと生まれ変わりました。 (スコープ1.2において)
佐賀県の地場産業をリードする各社が持続可能なものづくりのモデルケースとなり、各産業に脱炭素化のうねりが生まれることを願っています。地域の産業と自然を将来にわたって持続可能にしていくために、私たちは今後もSAGA COLLECTIVEの活動に並走していきます。
佐賀県の地場産業をリードする各社が持続可能なものづくりのモデルケースとなり、各産業に脱炭素化のうねりが生まれることを願っています。地域の産業と自然を将来にわたって持続可能にしていくために、私たちは今後もSAGA COLLECTIVEの活動に並走していきます。

Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa, Moe Shibata)
Web Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa)
NOSIGNER (Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa, Moe Shibata)
Web Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa)
NOSIGNER (Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Saga, Japan