
The relationships between Japanese waterfronts and citizens have become weak.
In Japan, flood control has always been a key national project as floods from rivers and flood damages from high tides and tsunami have always existed due to Japan's geographical characteristics. The current flood control administration is conducted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism developed and organized from the perspective of protecting the citizens from flood damages. With the climate changes in recent years, rivers have been flooding one after another, which makes ensuring safety at the waterfront even more important. Also, as waterfronts serve key functions for city economies, they have been utilized for industrial regions and developing trading ports. However, these flood control and developments for the economy resulted in reducing the number of water-friendly areas, creating distance between regional residents and the waterfront. People unable to easily access the waterfront saddens local communities as the waterfront once symbolized the local regions as places of beautiful natural views.

A community that accelerates creative public spaces on the waterfront.
MIZBERING is a project where the public and the private sector work together to open up new possibilities of utilizing the waterfront. The project has been continuously active since 2013 as a national community that strengthens the momentum of water-friendly usage, creating connections across boundaries. Initiatives by MIZBERING have been highly evaluated for creating views that merge the waterfront and the town, creating a bustling atmosphere, and creating new relationships between the waterfront and society.
We will be involved in these initiatives as the design director, aiming to increase the value of MIZBERING, creating even more connections, and working together to generate projects as an overall partner across branding and vision-making.

Branding of MIZBERING
We worked on designing the widely popular MIZBERING logo, which we slightly changed so that the waves continuously connect, designing a pattern of a numerically beautiful continuation of sine curves. We used the wave pattern as the keynote to also compile the motion logos of MIZBERING. The overall communication rule is organized so that MIZBERING can be recollected when looking at the light blue wave patterns.

About MIZBE NO RING (Circle of Waterfront)
Vitalizing the waterfront community is essentially very beneficial in disaster prevention and flood control from the perspective of mutual assistance of helping each other.
We created the infographics MIZBE NO RING (Circle of Waterfront) with the trinity of MIZBERING themes, City Designing, Connecting and Feeling Safe. This image uses a Swim Ring to represent safety, conveying the importance of having a sense of mutual assistance in the community rather than only relying on facilities such as flood control equipment.

We co-created the online school KAWAREL MIZBERING CAMPUS that teaches people about waterfront disaster prevention, creative uses of waterfront space, and philosophies of people to improve the creativity of people involved in the public space and create a community that can go across boundaries. The driving force of MIZBERING is the concept of the ability to take action beyond the boundary of the public and the private sectors to change public space, the "power to actively connect the public and the private sector," thereby developing creative government workers.
In the communication design for the school, we inserted motion graphics inspired by the waves symbolizing MIZBERING, creating a feeling that makes people want to participate, which is not common for a public project.
公共に携わる人の創造性を高め、越境的なコミュニティをつくるために、水辺の防災や水辺空間の創造的な事例や人のマインドを学ぶオンラインスクール「KAWAREL MIZBERING CAMPUS」を共創しました。ミズベリングの原動力にもなっている、官民の境界を越えた連携によって公共を変えていく行動力=「公共越境力」の養成をテーマに据え、クリエイティブな公務員らの人材育成を行っています。

Evolving the relationship with the waterfront to the way people live and their styles.
MIZBERING runs alongside the concept of rivers' future administration, such as river basin management and green infrastructure, approaching flood control and city designing as an overall ecosystem, and works to make regions more vibrant, connected, and safe, opening up public spaces in the waterfront.
The concept of KAWAREL MIZBERING CAMPUS is that the creativity in public space directly affects to change towns and the country. If the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism that controls rivers, oceans, and roads, creates the foundation that generates creative projects that can go across boundaries of different ministries and sectors, the regions that we live in can become more enjoyable and safer. This future vision that MIZBERING envisions to be a platform that can connect the public and the private sectors with the common goal of "enriching the waterfront," supporting waterfront making and human resources development, will lead to a brighter regional future.
「KAWAREL MIZBERING CAMPUS」が掲げるように、公共の創造性を変えることは、街や国の変化に直結します。河川や海、道路などを管理する国土交通省が、省庁やセクターなどの垣根を越境してクリエイティブなプロジェクトを生み出す土壌づくりをすれば、私たちが暮らす地域はより楽しく、安全な場所に変わっていくはずです。そんな未来を思い描きながら、これからもミズベリングは「水辺を豊かにする」という共通の目標によって官民がつながるプラットフォームとして、地域の未来につながる水辺づくり、人づくりを支援していきます。

Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryota Mizusako, Ayano Kosaka)
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryota Mizusako, Ayano Kosaka)
Web Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryota Mizusako, Ayano Kosaka, Noémie Kawakita)
Motion Design
NOSIGNER (Jin Nagao, Noémie Kawakita)
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryota Mizusako, Ayano Kosaka, Noémie Kawakita)
Motion Design
NOSIGNER (Jin Nagao, Noémie Kawakita)
NOSIGNER (Naoki Hijikata)
NOSIGNER (Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Tokyo, Japan