
Lacking protective equipment, the medical field was in mortal danger.


The first case of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was confirmed in December 2019 and quickly spread around the world. This virus has now become the largest infectious disease in human history, 
It has already claimed numerous victims worldwide and brought medical facilities to the brink of collapse due to the ever-growing number of severely ill patients. Shortages of medical protective equipment such as respirators, masks and face shields were also experiences often. 
Our main challenge was to alleviate, if only a little, the tremendous burden placed on healthcare professionals around the world.


A face shield made from an A4-size clear file.


NOSIGNER’s CEO Eisuke Tachikawa had first founded PANDAID, a collaborative editorial website that helps save lives from the pandemic. As part of this project, he developed a face shield that can be easily made from an A4-size clear file. This face shield takes no more than 30 seconds to complete, simply by placing a printed template in a clear file and cutting along the lines with scissors. 
The template, which requires no particular equipment, is available for free online alongside a tutorial video, and has been shared on social media and other platforms. Everyone can make one easily, and hopefully individually contribute to make the shortage of medical protective equipment easier to address.

Click PANDAID FACE SHIELD to download the file.


PANDAID FACE SHIELD をクリックしてダウンロードしてください

The PANDAID face shield has an adjustable 3 sizes headband to fit any person's head circumference.

Towards a future where we can make our own emergency supplies.


The tutorial video on how to make a face shield has been viewed more than one million times on social media and has been picked up by many other media, including TV. This initiative has generated a lot of empathy and is being used in various medical facilities. At Kitazato University Hospital, 10,000 sheets were independently produced and adopted by many hospitals, including the University of Tokyo Hospital. In addition, everyone from large corporations such as Yahoo! Japan (who made 8000 faceshields in their « LODGE » office) to individual schoolchildren have made their own face shields and a number of donations were made to medical institutions. 
This movement is not limited to Japan, and many medical institutions in the United States, France, South Korea, Thailand, and more have been sending their appreciation of face shield donations.
Those face shields have shown that they could make up for the shortage of supplies, and should contribute to reassure us as we brace for more spreading of the disease. We hope the DIY movement will lead to a creative future where we make our own emergency supplies.

フェイスシールドのつくり方を紹介した映像はSNSやYouTube上で累計100万回以上再生され、TVをはじめ多くのメディアにも取り上げられました。結果としてこの取り組みは多くの共感を生み、北里大学病院では院内で1万枚を自主生産し、東京大学病院などその他多くの病院でも採用されました。また、自社オフィス内のスペース「LODGE」で8,000枚を量産したYahoo! JAPANをはじめ、大企業から個人の小学生までがフェイスシールドを自作し、医療機関に寄付するケースも相次ぎました。

As a New Year's greeting card of NOSIGNER has sent out an IDENTITY FACE SHIELD featuring Chinese zodiac signs. As coronavirus is still raging, we wish good health to all the people who have been taking care of us.

NOSIGNERからの年賀状として、干支の動物をモチーフにしたIDENTITY FACE SHIELDを皆様にお送りしました。依然として新型コロナウイルスが猛威を振るう中、日頃よりお世話になっている方々の無病息災を願って制作したものです。


Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Product Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Lee Niyen)
Video Producer
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Lee Niyen, Jin Nagao)
CCDN(Yuichi Hisatsugu), deTour


TIDA Taipei International Design Award: Silver Award (Industrial Design Category) (2020)
TIDA Taipei International Design Award: Judge’s Special Award (Industrial Design Category) (2020)
DIA Design Intelligence Award: Honorable Mention (2021)

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