Energy White Paper 2022

Japan's energy policy is struggling to gain sympathy.
Energy self-sufficiency among major countries in 2017

Energy policy awareness among citizens

The burning of fossil fuels and the effects of other human activities are causing climate change. The future of the Earth is at stake, making formulating future energy policies a top priority for every country and region. Japan also faces many energy-related challenges, such as renewable energy transition and the final disposal of radioactive waste. In response, the Japanese government is discussing sustainable energy policies every day. However, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident in 2011 and other factors have caused a lack of positive perceptions regarding Japan's policy as a whole, making it difficult to widely convey the government's positive stance on sustainable energy transition to the public.

A white paper that reproduces Japan's energy policy in a white townscape.
The Energy White Paper, published annually by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), summarizes the domestic and international energy situation, Japan's policy direction, and future trends. As the ones tasked to design the cover and typesetting format for Energy White Paper 2022, we decided to revamp its editorial design, which lacked readability, turning it into a publication that makes people want to learn more about Japan's energy policy.

We first discussed and examined the most appropriate form for the white paper and developed a visual design that thoroughly focused on its "white" theme for the cover and title page. For this reason, we created an all-white town as a key visual, a 3D reproduction of a townscape related to Japan's energy policy, which includes windmills, solar panels, and mega solar plants. We aimed to convey an image of an "energy white paper" that is intuitive and easily understood by people inside and outside Japan.
まず最も白書(=White Paper)らしいあり方を検討し、「白」に徹底的にこだわったヴィジュアルを表紙や扉ページのデザインに展開しました。そのためキーヴィジュアルとして、風車、太陽光パネル、メガソーラーなどエネルギー政策にまつわる町並みを3Dで再現した白一色の街を制作。日本のみならず海外の方にも直感的に伝わりやすい「エネルギーホワイトペーパー」のイメージを発信することを狙いました。

We made various innovations to the typesetting to enhance readability and searchability. For example, we made the page titles and headings stand out and consolidated the section/chapter/verse titles on the page's right side for quick access to information. We made a design that combines typography and visuals to present a new image for the white paper. Our goal was to convey a more open view of Japan's energy policy, including the administration's attitude towards the future and its will towards sustainability.

Toward a future where citizens think of energy policy as their own.
The redesign of the Energy White Paper reflects our desire to transform it into something that gives a sense of hopefulness in conveying energy policies. The design, which is a far cry from the old white paper, was made possible due to the open attitude of the METI staff in charge. We believe our white paper design to be a small but bold example that encourages a daring and unprecedented challenge in Japan's energy policy, which needs change. We hope that the image conveyed by the Energy White Paper will reach the politicians, administrators, and business operators trying to make sustainable energy changes in this country, leading to a future where each citizen thinks about sustainable energy as their own.

Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Aya Sakurai, Moe Shibata)
CG Modeling
NOSIGNER (Kaining He)
NOSIGNER (Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Aya Sakurai, Moe Shibata)
CG Modeling
NOSIGNER (Kaining He)
NOSIGNER (Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy