why: ​​​​​​​
Will our new way of life be nothing but mental constraints?


The first case of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was confirmed in December 2019  and has quickly spread all around the world. It has become one of the largest infectious diseases in History. As of November 2020, the virus had already claimed more than 1.4 million lives worldwide, and there is still no prospect of full containment.
To prevent the spread of the virus through droplets, such as coughs and sneezes, governments are asking people to respect social distances and wear masks.
The response to these policies varies from country to country, but it is undeniable that the coronavirus has changed our way of life dramatically. Are there ways to improve the current situation, where social constraints make life more or less straitened for citizens?


床に描かれた楽譜の音符を踏むと音が鳴るサイネージ「SOCIAL HARMONY」を片足で踏んでいる写真
Playing "music" with social distancing.


To help face the spread of COVID-19, Eisuke Tachikawa, CEO of NOSIGNER, launched PANDAID, a collaborative website to go through the pandemic. The posters he presented on the website to emphasise the importance of "social distance" went viral on social media, and PANDAID is now known worldwide as an infectious disease countermeasure website making the most of the strength of design.
As part of this activity, we developed "SOCIAL HARMONY", a signage system that plays notes of music when you stand on a musical score on the floor.
The music score used in "SOCIAL HARMONY" is "Gymnopédie nº1" by Eric Satie. Each note on the score triggers a different sound, so the order in which the notes are played changes with your own course, and their rhythm with your own pace. This means that everyone can play a once-in-a-lifetime "Gymnopédie nº1" that can only be played by that particular person in that particular place. By making the most of the power of classical music, culture and art, we aimed to sublimate the act of social distance itself and make it into a rich way of communication between people.

この活動の一環として、床に描かれた楽譜上の音符に立つと、その音階の音が鳴るサイネージ「SOCIAL HARMONY」を開発しました。
「SOCIAL HARMONY」で使用している楽譜は、エリック・サティの「ジムノペディ」。楽譜は踏んだ瞬間に反応するため、音が鳴る順番はその都度変わり、その場/その人たちによってしか演奏され得ない一期一会の「ジムノペディ」が空間を彩ります。クラシック音楽や文化芸術の力に活用することで、ソーシャルディスタンディングという行為自体を、人々をつなぐ豊かなコミュニケーションへと昇華させることを目指しました。​​​​​​​

横浜みなとみらいホールの床に描かれた「SOCIAL HARMONY」の全体像を上から見た写真

Towards a society that can play with measures against infectious diseases.


SOCIAL HARMONY has already been placed at the Yokohama Minatomirai Hall and at the entrance of the DESIGNART TOKYO 2020 design event, and we aim to expand its use even more by strengthening our cooperation with local governments, public facilities, and store personnel. 
We wish for a society where people can live their life in a fun and safe way. We have created not only SOCIAL HARMONY, but also PANDAID posters for social distance and playful floor stickers (LIFECOIN Stickers).
As Sho Sakurai of ARASHI commented when this work was introduced on Nippon TV's "News Zero", we wish to "bring the pandemic to a halt like a decrescendo on a music score".

SOCIAL HARMONYは横浜みなとみらいホールや表参道ヒルズで採用され、今後は自治体や公共施設、店舗らとの連携を強化し、展開を広げていくことを目指しています。さらに、季節やイベント、導入場所に合わせた楽譜を用意することで、ソーシャルディスタンシングを空間や街を彩るコミュニケーションとして広めていきたいと考えています。
楽しく安全に新しい生活様式を続けていける社会をつくりたい。そんな願いから、私たちはSOCIAL HARMONYのみならずPANDAIDのソーシャルディスタンスのポスターや有名ゲームを題材にした床張りステッカー「LIFECOINステッカー」を制作してきました。
日本テレビ『news zero』にて本作品が紹介された際、嵐の櫻井翔さんがコメントしてくださった通り「譜面のデクレッシェンドのようにパンデミックを収束に向かわせたい」と私たちも願っています。

横浜みなとみらいホールに描かれた「SOCIAL HARMONY」の楽譜の上を歩く一人の男性
Yokohama Minato Mirai Hall (2020.10.27-2020.12.31) 


表参道ヒルズの床に描かれた「SOCIAL HARMONY」の楽譜
Omotesando Hills (2020.10.27-2020.11.3) 




Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Installation Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Nozomi Aoyama)
Production Management
NOSIGNER (Nozomi Aoyama)
Yokohama Arts Foundation

Yokohama, Japan
Tokyo, Japan

ICONIC AWARDS: INNOVATIVE ARCHITECTURE - Event/Exhibition Best of Best (2021)
FRAME AWARDS: Winner of the Month (2021)
DIA Design Intelligence Award: Honorable Mention(2021)
German Design Awards: Honorable Mention (2022)

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