
Created by modifying "Jarai Woman Looking at the Farm" (Sinoun Kasol (Licensed under CC BY 4.0))
For the women of Cambodia to live independently.
Women living in rural villages in Cambodia have limited access to resources and education, which results in many hindered cases of social advancement. Moreover, due to poverty, there is still a harsh reality for women as they continue to face human trafficking. Since 2002, the NPO corporation / Kamonohashi project has been hiring women in these rural areas supporting them to live independently through the process of making through a "Community Factory." However, the profit of the products did not reach the target, resulting in an unsustainable result.

We designed a relationship between the maker and buyer.
"SALA SUSU" launched with the Kamonohashi Project, is a handmade fashion brand with the concept of improving the life skills of Cambodian women and bringing Fulfillment in their life through manufacturing. Involved in directing, We created a contact point to foster a relationship between makers and buyers. We helped the makers manufacture products convenient for women to take to on trips and designed directly-managed stores in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
かものはしプロジェクトとともに立ち上げた「SALA SUSU」は、ものづくりを通してカンボジア女性たちのライフスキルを磨き、彼女たちの豊かな人生の旅に寄り添うことをコンセプトに掲げたハンドメイドファッションブランドです。女性たちが旅先に持っていくと便利なアイテムをテーマにした各商品から、カンボジア・シェムリアップにある直営ショップの店舗設計まで多岐にわたるデザインディレクションを通して、つくり手と買い手が関係性を育んでいくための接点をつくっていきました。

In Cambodia, when one takes a leap of faith, one would call out "Su Su!" ("You can do it!"). Within the word, we superimposed the figure of a strong Cambodian woman living confidently every day. Therefore, we invented the brand name “SALA SUSU” by combining "SALA” meaning “school” with the word “SUSU.” As the same suggests, SALASUSU's Community Factory functions almost like a school system, where they learn all sorts of life skills such as techniques like cutting and sewing, linguistics, and business manners. Once they graduated, these skillsets become crucial to living an independent life.
カンボジアでは、勇気を持って次の一歩を踏み出そうとする時、「SuSu!」(がんばれ!)と声をかけ合います。この言葉に、力強く人生を歩んでいくカンボジア女性の姿を重ね合わせ、「学校」を意味する「SALA」と組み合わせた言葉をブランド名としました。SALA SUSUのコミュニティファクトリーは、その名の通り、学校としての機能も持ち、カッティングやソーイング等の技術はもちろん、語学やビジネスマナーなどカンボジア女性たちが自立して生きていくために必要なライフスタイル全般を学ぶことができ、ここで働く女性たちはやがて卒業し、社会へと旅立っていきます。

All staff members who work at the workshop located near Siem Reap in Cambodia, have a personalized stamp respectively. Leaving their name mark on all product tags of SALA SUSU, this system allows buyers to know who made the product at a glance, as well as aiming for the makers to gain a sense of responsibility.

You can find a free pass imitating an airline ticket in each pocket of the product. In presenting this, a tuk-tuk will pick you up from Siem Reap, famous for its World Heritage site "Angkor Wat," to a village 35km away from the studio. As the buyer has the opportunity to thank the maker in person, which leads to building pride, motivation, and hospitality in each maker

The "3-Day Trip Tote" is designed to prevent unwanted situations such as theft. There is a whistle on the handle of the zipper to use in case of any danger. The "Travel Sacoche" sold separately can be used either as a pocket inside the tote bags (3-Day Trip Tote or 1-Day tripe Tote) or as a small bag on its own. It is also waterproof with a water bottle holder, supporting smarter travel for women.
女性の旅において何よりも重要になるのは、安全性です。「3-Day Trip Tote」は、盗難などを防止するためにジッパーを付けたトートバッグで、旅の途中に危険に遭遇した際にも助けを呼べるよう、ジッパーの持ち手部分がホイッスルになっています。また、別売りの「トラベルサコッシュ」を3-Day Trip Toteや1-Day Trip Toteのインナーバッグにすることもでき、用途に応じてこれらを自在に使い分けられるようになっています。さらに、防水加工やペットボトルホルダーなど、女性のスマートな旅をサポートするための機能を随所に盛り込んでいます。

A case model promoting social advancement for Cambodian women.
We gained five times the profit compared to the products the Kamonohashi project produced in the previous in the "Community Factory," with SALASUSU. As a result, Kenta Aoki, co-representative of the Kamonohashi project, launched a new corporation "SUSU" in April 2018. The Cambodian government has highly appraised SALASUSU, where SUSU is currently expanding its activities cooperating in the development of programs for the social advancement of women in the country.
We are currently looking into social design investments within several projects, starting with SALA SUSU. These kinds of projects involve signing a royalty contract with customers, for the design fee to be contingent upon success. As social entrepreneurs with a strong vision for society, this kind of agreement reflects and connects strongly with our philosophy by investing first from the design.
かものはしプロジェクトが以前の「コミュニティファクトリー」事業で製作してきたプロダクトと比較し、SALA SUSUの利益率は約5倍程度にまで伸長しました。その結果として、かものはしプロジェクトの共同代表だった青木健太氏は、2018年4月に新法人SUSUを立ち上げるに至りました。SALA SUSUの事業はカンボジア政府からも高く評価され、SUSUは現在、同国の女性の社会進出に向けたプログラムづくりに協力するなど、活動の場を拡げています。
私達は、SALA SUSUをはじめとするいくつかのプロジェクトにおいて、ソーシャルデザインインベストメントを行っています。これは、顧客とロイヤリティー契約を結び、デザインフィーを成功報酬型にするもので、ソーシャルなヴィジョンを持つ社会起業家に対し、デザイン面から投資をしていくという私達の思想が反映された契約形態です。

Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Andraditya D.R.)
Space Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Kunihiko Sato)
Ayako Kimura