Increase the number of innovators learning from the creativity of biological evolution.
Society is changing drastically. Even now 50 years have passed since 1972, which is said to be the limits of growth, human beings are still growing. Changes to halt the collapse of biodiversity and actions to keep a sustainable society no longer have a temporal grace. We need more people to change society. We often say that things "evolve" changing society. If we say that changing society is evolving, will we be able to learn more about the process of evolving society from the evolution of living things?

Drawing: Leonardo Da Vinci
Just like biologists, innovators incorporate dissection as a technique. The sketch above is a sketch of dissection by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the best innovators in history. In dissecting the shape and exploring the reasons for that shape, look for the essence of the reasons of the shape. In Japanese, the word to understand and the word to decompose have the same meaning. Do not you think that there is an essential link between this act and invention?

Understand the essence through anatomy to observe meanings.
Even in the design of artefacts, things are constantly evolving and culling from advances in technology, human interests and the changing context of the times. The development of species on the premise of diversity closely resembles the form of evolution of living things. The invention constantly seeks to supplement the evolution of people. Faster, more comfortable, is not the design that has been advanced by such philosophy is the instinct of mankind who is going to evolve? If the evolution and design of living organisms are sufficiently similar, it should make it easier for innovation by understanding the process well and applying it to inventions and designs. "Evolution Thinking" is a method for creative education born from such a way of thinking.
人工物のデザインにおいても、技術の進歩、人の趣向性や時代のコンテクストの変容によって、モノは絶えず進化と淘汰を繰り返している。 多様性を前提とした種の発達は、生物の進化の形によく似ている。常に発明は人の進化を補おうとする。 より速く、より楽に、そんな哲学によって進められてきたデザインは、進化しようとする人類の本能ではないだろうか。もし生物の進化とデザインが充分に似ているなら、そのプロセスをよく理解し、発明やデザインに応用することでイノベーションを起こしやすくなるはずだ。進化思考は、そのような考え方から生まれた創造教育のための手法である。

Deconstruction as a pathway to interpret a convergence of reasons.
All forms compromise groupings of reasons. This is the same for both natural forms and for human design. When seeking to shed light on those reasons, if we can deconstruct the form into minute elements, it becomes easier to comprehend the reasons behind the form. In biology, this is called anatomy. Anatomy has a long history: humans have been using the processes of anatomical dissection to learn about the natural world since around 3500 BC.
あらゆるかたちは理由の集まりで出来ている。それは、自然の形態についても人工物のデザインについても言えることだ。それらの 理由を明らかにしようとする場合は、 細かく分解し、それぞれの要素の意味を 読み解いていくと, かたちの奥にある理由を理解することが容易になる。生物学ではそれを解剖と呼ぶ。解剖の歴史は古く、 紀元前3500年頃から人は解剖のプロセスによって自然を学び続けてきた。

In the design of man-made objects, too, there are development processes in which insights are gained through deconstruction. Reverse engineering, the process of investigating a rival company's product by taking it apart, could surely be seen as the anatomy of physical goods. Well-known is the case of Toyota Motor Corporation, which began by deconstructing a 1933 Chevrolet automobile and attempting to replicate it completely. The Japanese verb "wakaru" which means to understand, has its linguistic origin in the word "wakeru", to divide: by deconstructing we can bring light to the relationship between elements that were previously hidden from view. This is in itself a process of comprehension and cognition.
If we deconstruct an olive tree and an electric fan, we would find that the tree can be divided broadly into just four components: limbs (wood and bark), leaves, fruit (seeds and flesh) and roots. The fan, on the other hand, is a massive agglomeration of over 100 different parts. This kind of comparison between living things and man-made ones reveals not only that natural creations have far fewer elements, but that the reasons for each element are far more numerous. Excellent designs are those with few elements and many reasons. Nature is a far more proficient designer than us, and we have many things indeed to learn from nature.
人工物を対象とするデザインにおいても、分解から理解しようとする開発プロセスが存在する。ライバル会社の製品を分解して理解するプロセスをリバースエンジニアリングと呼ぶが、これはまさにモノの解剖学と言えるだろう。 例えばトヨタ自動車は、33年型シボレーを分解し、全く同じものを作ろうとしたことから始まったのは有名な話だ。日本語の「分かる」は「分ける」に由来する言葉であり、分解することによって、見えていなかった要素の関係性を洗い出すことができる。それは, 理解と認知のプロセスそのものだ。
オリーブの木と扇風機を分解すると、オリーブが「枝(芯・表皮)」「葉」 「実(種・果肉)」「根」のたった4種類の パーツに大別されるのに対して、扇風機は100種類を超える膨大なパーツの集積で出来ていることが分かる。このように生物と人工物を比較すると、自然物の方が遥かに要素が少ないだけでなく、それぞれの要素の理由がずっと多いと気づく。 優れたデザインは、要素が少なく、かつ多くの理由を備えているものだ。自然は我々よりも遥かに優れたデザイナーであり、我々は自然から多くのことを学べるだろう。

Evolution Thinking came to be by integrating all ways of thinking.
"Evolution Thinking" started as a small experimental exhibition, and is currently gradually spreading, while being supported by proponents such as the automobile company, the real estate company of the largest scale in Japan and the manager of the global company of apparel. (Reference article: Harvard Business review etc). We will continue to provide "Evolution Thinking" as a program to nurture innovators that change society. In order to realize a sustainable symbiotic society, do not you think that there is at least one innovator within 2000 people, aiming for social change? While it is said that by 2050 the population will exceed 10 billion, one in 2000 is one in five million. With that, we believe that a superior educational program that truly brings up a number of people who realize social change is necessary.
小さな実験的展示から始まった進化思考は、いま日本最大級の規模の自動車会社・不動産会社やアパレルのグローバル企業の経営者など、徐々に賛同者に応援されながら広がりつつあります。(参考記事:Harvard Business review etc)私たちは進化思考を社会を変えるイノベーターを育てるためのプログラムとして提供し続けます。持続可能な共生社会の実現のためには、最低でも2000人に1人程度は、社会変革を目指すイノベーターがいてもいいと思いませんか。2050年までには人口が100億を突破すると言われている中で、2000人に1人は500万人。そのためには、本当に社会変革を実現する人を数多く育てる優れた教育プログラムが必要だと考えています。
Anatomy / Evolutional Creativity
Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Toshiyuki Nakaie)
Space Design
Space Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Sui Fujikawa)
Kunihiko Sato