
As it stands now, will traditional mass media disappear?
Since the arrival of the internet, all manner of information, including text, audio, and video, have transferred online, while traditional mass media formats such as television, radio, newspapers, and magazines have rapidly lost their momentum. Internet use has risen each year, and by 2019, internet advertising expenditures had exceeded television ad spending.
Notwithstanding the efforts of many corporations which annually invest massive budgets into traditional mass advertising formats such as TV commercials, there was a critical issue--it was difficult to properly measure the direct and indirect effects of ads that would lead to sales and the acquisition of loyal fans. Conversely, internet advertising had a powerful advantage in that its effectiveness could be properly measured as quantitative data, which led to its achieving rapid growth.
However, even now, television commercials still possess a powerful influence as a gateway for consumers to encounter new brands, with data such as CPM (the cost per mille measurement) establishing that TV ads still far exceed the cost-effectiveness of internet ads. Even with such data, however, the value of advertising is not being properly assessed, simply because its effectiveness is difficult to measure, subjecting marketing budgets to waves of cutbacks that could be termed excessive. There is an aspect to mass media such as television, newspapers and magazines, in which they represent culture. But are they now fated to disappear, together with the unique heritage that each medium has developed over their long histories?
Notwithstanding the efforts of many corporations which annually invest massive budgets into traditional mass advertising formats such as TV commercials, there was a critical issue--it was difficult to properly measure the direct and indirect effects of ads that would lead to sales and the acquisition of loyal fans. Conversely, internet advertising had a powerful advantage in that its effectiveness could be properly measured as quantitative data, which led to its achieving rapid growth.
However, even now, television commercials still possess a powerful influence as a gateway for consumers to encounter new brands, with data such as CPM (the cost per mille measurement) establishing that TV ads still far exceed the cost-effectiveness of internet ads. Even with such data, however, the value of advertising is not being properly assessed, simply because its effectiveness is difficult to measure, subjecting marketing budgets to waves of cutbacks that could be termed excessive. There is an aspect to mass media such as television, newspapers and magazines, in which they represent culture. But are they now fated to disappear, together with the unique heritage that each medium has developed over their long histories?

Using data to properly evaluate the value of media.
With the growth of data science, it is now possible to properly evaluate how traditional mass media advertising (starting with TV commercials) contributes to sales, as well as how it produces beneficial assistance to other forms of ads. Established in 2012, XICA utilizes data science to not only visualize the effects of online advertising, but all other forms of marketing as well, such as newspapers and television, through "MAGELLAN," the leading advertising analysis tool in Japan, and by developing the business of promoting the proper evaluation of media. Working together with XICA, we were involved in a comprehensive branding effort, including the design of their visual identity (beginning with their corporate logo), as well as concept and naming their new service brand.

With the name XICA based on the company's philosophy--"to support people who endeavor toward 'saino kaika' (the blossoming of talent) through the power of data science"-- we designed a symbol expressed as an asterisk motif, which represents the blossoming of diverse talent. The symbol is constructed from 3 lines, which is a gradation that starts with the 3 primary color ingredients used in print media, C (Cyan), M (Magenta), and Y (Yellow), and transitions to the 3 primary colors of light used in screen media, R (Red), G (Green), and B (Blue), symbolizing how all forms of media intersect three-dimensionally. Furthermore, for the logotype, we likened each letter of the name to graphical elements, with X representing the axis of coordinates, I representing a bar graph, C representing a pie chart, and A representing a polygonal line graph, a visual symbolism that communicates the company's work in analyzing a wide variety of data.
XICAの社名が、同社の理念「『才能開花』への努力をする人たちをデータサイエンスの力で支援する」に由来していることから、さまざまな才能が花開くさまをアスタリスクのモチーフで表現したシンボルマークをデザインしました。シンボルを構成する3本のラインは、印刷メディアに使われる色材の三原色CMY(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)から、スクリーンメディアに使われる光の三原色RGB(Red, Green, Blue)へのグラデーションとなっており、あらゆるメディアが立体的に交差している様子を表しています。また、ロゴタイプでは、各文字を座標軸(X)、棒グラフ(I)、円グラフ(C)、折れ線グラフ(A)に見立て、さまざまなデータ解析を行う同社の事業内容を伝えています。

With XICA releasing a lineup of products that will support various aspects of advertising, from the planning to placement of TV commercials, to creative evaluation, we developed the concept and name for their new brand. We came up with the name, "ADVA," which contains 2 meanings--AD VALUATE (to determine the value of an ad) and ADD VALUE (to provide improved or additional value). In order to present these 2 concepts as a visually readable element, we developed a logotype that contains 2 Ds layered on top of each other. By having the existing "MAGELLAN" and "ADVA" both under the banner of the company brand, we were positioned to more clearly establish XICA's business operations and corporate philosophy--to utilize the data science to maximize the benefits of marketing, and innovate the marketing and advertising industry.
XICAが、テレビCMのプランニングから出稿、クリエイティブの評価までをサポートするプロダクト群をリリースするにあたっては、新たなサービスブランドのコンセプトやネーミングの開発を行いました。新ブランドのネーミングとして提案した「ADVA」には、AD VALUATE(広告の価値を判断する)、ADD VALUE(価値を加える)という2つの意味合いが込められています。2つのコンセプトが読み取れるように、「D」を2つ重ねたロゴタイプを開発しました。そして、既存の「マゼラン」も「ADVA」ブランドの傘下に収めることで、データサイエンスを駆使してマーケティングの成果を最大化し、広告業界を更新していくというXICAの事業内容や企業としての姿勢をより明確に打ち出しました。

Toward a future when investment in creativity can be maximized.
We stand with XICA's vision, to champion the democratization of data science, demonstrate the inherent value of media, and properly evaluate advertising creativity.
With its new brand, "ADVA," XICA is off to a new start, not only analyzing the benefits of advertising through the utilization of data science but also endeavoring for a future in which the quality of ad creativity can be properly evaluated. And on the horizon of these efforts by XICA, we may see the relationship between creators and an ad industry that still clings to old traditions become more optimized, and a future in which massive marketing budgets can be used more appropriately, for projects that can bring positive change to society.
With its new brand, "ADVA," XICA is off to a new start, not only analyzing the benefits of advertising through the utilization of data science but also endeavoring for a future in which the quality of ad creativity can be properly evaluated. And on the horizon of these efforts by XICA, we may see the relationship between creators and an ad industry that still clings to old traditions become more optimized, and a future in which massive marketing budgets can be used more appropriately, for projects that can bring positive change to society.
Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryota Mizusako)
Video Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Assistant Video Direction
NOSIGNER (Ryota Mizusako)
Video Production
CCDN (Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Video Motion Design
Reiya Muraoka, NOSIGNER (Jin Nagao)
REI, Christina B
ACROSS ENTERTAINMENT, inc. (Takanori Kino)
Video editing
Digital Studio Japan(Hiroyuki Tanaka)
Sound adjustment
Ryoji Saito
NOSIGNER (Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryota Mizusako)
Video Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Assistant Video Direction
NOSIGNER (Ryota Mizusako)
Video Production
CCDN (Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Video Motion Design
Reiya Muraoka, NOSIGNER (Jin Nagao)
REI, Christina B
ACROSS ENTERTAINMENT, inc. (Takanori Kino)
Video editing
Digital Studio Japan(Hiroyuki Tanaka)
Sound adjustment
Ryoji Saito
NOSIGNER (Yuichi Hisatsugu)
Tokyo, Japan