
The changing times are confronting the manufacturing industry.
Since the Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century, manufacturing productivity has dramatically increased, and people have been able to obtain a wide range of goods at low prices, leading to a society where people can enjoy affluent lifestyles.
However, as the manufacturing industry matured, the division of labor accompanied by specialization complexified, making the industry extremely illiquid. Thereafter, the digital revolution of the 21st century brought about social changes equivalent to the Industrial Revolution, and many hardware functions were replaced by digital technology. Despite this environment, the manufacturing industry could not get on board with digitalization in a timely manner as they were caught up in their monoculture nature, old-fashioned business practices, and transaction styles. As a result, many manufacturers and wholesalers went out of business.
However, as the manufacturing industry matured, the division of labor accompanied by specialization complexified, making the industry extremely illiquid. Thereafter, the digital revolution of the 21st century brought about social changes equivalent to the Industrial Revolution, and many hardware functions were replaced by digital technology. Despite this environment, the manufacturing industry could not get on board with digitalization in a timely manner as they were caught up in their monoculture nature, old-fashioned business practices, and transaction styles. As a result, many manufacturers and wholesalers went out of business.
In the past, the manufacturing industry had taken on the role of advancing society and enriching people, but its former vitality was starting to get lost. Therefore, there is a need to rejuvenate the industry and evolve in a way that meets the needs of this new era.
Status of DX initiatives

IMD Digital Competitiveness of Top Asian Countries over 10 Years

Toward a world where you can choose the best among all.
Aperza, a start-up company in Yokohama, supports the manufacturing industry’s digital transformation through cloud services, catalog portals, and e-commerce for manufacturers. Eisuke Tachikawa of NOSIGNER was also based in Yokohama and had been involved in the city’s innovation policy YOXO from the start.

The first thing Eisuke worked on was to redefine the vision of Aperza in order to communicate the company’s unique identity to the world. For this purpose, he made use of the characters in the company name “Aperza,” which were “a,” “z,” and “per” (=”/”). Here, we attached meaning to the letters, which were “the best one” (=A), “among” (=”/”), and “all/everything” to make the internal tagline “The one among all. Selecting the best one from among everything,” which indicates a company as the one which offers selectable platforms. At the same time, we proposed a symbolic logo design using the character patterns of “a,” “/,” and “z.”
最初に着手したのは、アペルザらしさを内外に発信するためのヴィジョンの再定義でした。社名である「Aperza」に使われている「a」と「z」、「per」(=「/」)に着目した私たちは、あらゆるもの(=Z)の中から(=「/」)最適なもの(=A)が選べるプラットフォームを提供する企業であることを、「The one among all. 全てのものから、ただ一つを。」というインナー向けのタグラインで示すとともに、「a/z」の文字列をシンボリックに表現したヴィジュアルアイデンティティを提案しました。

“Aperza red,” the corporate color used for the logo, has slightly more pink to it than the ordinary red. This is because the color represents the vividness of the blood that has received oxygen. It represents the tagline formulated for external use, “Reboot the industry. Rejuvenize the manufacturing industry.”
ロゴにも用いられているコーポレートカラー「aperza red」は、一般的な赤よりもわずかにピンクがかった色になっています。酸素を受け取った鮮やかな血液を想起させるこの色は、社外向けに策定したタグライン「reboot the industry. 製造業を若返らせる。」を表したものです。

The logotype uses a font called SIMPLA, which is an original font created by NOSIGNER. To show the correct pronunciation of the company name, ”´” was added on top of “e,” which was not in the original logotype. In addition, the motion logo that was created adopted a motion where “/” transformed into “´,” creating a sense of unity with the logo mark. We support new business opportunities from the design perspective by creating these motion logos, transition movies, and original backgrounds of ZOOM to be utilized in online exhibitions and sales.
To organize the company’s wide range of services and concisely communicate the contents of each service, we unified the service names and logo design formats. We also redesigned the footer, a common feature of each service website.
NOSIGNERのオリジナル書体「SIMPLA」をベースにしたロゴタイプでは、社名の正しい発音を示すために、従来のロゴタイプにはなかった「´」を「e」の上に加えました。同時に制作したモーションロゴでは、「/」が「´」に変化していくモーションによって、ロゴマークとの一体感を演出しました。 このモーションロゴやトランジションムービー、さらにはZOOMのオリジナル背景などを制作することによって、オンラインにおける展示会や営業など、コロナ禍における新たなビジネスの機会をデザインの面から支援しています。

In addition, we redesigned the business cards with functions of a protractor and a ruler, allowing the holder to measure corner radius and screw sizes. We added these tools to the business card that people in the manufacturing industry routinely relate to so that they would remember us. In addition, these cards communicate that we are a technology company that understands the shared language in the field, with aims to develop close relationships with clients.

To commemorate Aperza’s fifth anniversary, we created a number of T-shirts with the renewed logo. They have contributed to increasing staff loyalty and motivation, as well as a sense of camaraderie.
Redesigning the industry to be sustainable.
We will continue to be involved with Aperza’s business from a design perspective and work side by side to realize their mission, “Rejuvenating the manufacturing industry.”
Redesigning the manufacturing industry is essential for a sustainable future. Therefore, Aperza will continue to strive to redesign the outdated manufacturing industry into a sustainable industry and work on designing services to support the digitalization of the manufacturing services and for a sustainable future. We hope to bring new hope to the industry through these projects and create a future where many creative manufacturers flourish.
Redesigning the manufacturing industry is essential for a sustainable future. Therefore, Aperza will continue to strive to redesign the outdated manufacturing industry into a sustainable industry and work on designing services to support the digitalization of the manufacturing services and for a sustainable future. We hope to bring new hope to the industry through these projects and create a future where many creative manufacturers flourish.

Art Direction
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa)
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa, Ayano Kosaka)
Motion Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa)
Jin Nagao
Aperza inc.
Graphic Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa, Ayano Kosaka)
Motion Design
NOSIGNER (Eisuke Tachikawa, Ryo Fukusawa)
Jin Nagao
Aperza inc.
Yokohama, Japan